Friday, February 15, 2013

Broken Heart Syndrome

Broken Heart Outline in Sand

We all have had break up’s at least once in our lives but there is truly a clinical condition that is potentially bad for our health and this is called broken heart syndrome. The above video claims that broken heart syndrome is a temporary heart condition brought on by stressful situations, such as the death of a loved one. People with broken heart syndrome may have sudden chest pain or think they're having a heart attack.

 These broken heart syndrome symptoms may be brought on by the heart's reaction to a surge of stress hormones. In broken heart syndrome, a part of your heart temporarily enlarges and doesn't pump well, while the remainder of the heart functions normally or with even more forceful contractions. 

Women are more likely than men to experience the sudden, intense chest pains, the reaction to a surge of stress hormones that can be caused by an emotionally stressful event. It could be the death of a loved one or even a divorce, breakup or physical separation, betrayal or romantic rejection. It could even happen after a good shock (like winning the lottery). Because in my opinion women are emotional creatures.

The medical name for this condition is takotsubo. Today, it's also referred to as stress cardiomyopathy, stress-induced cardiomyopathy or apical ballooning syndrome.
When I think of a broken heart, I picture a cartoon drawing with a jagged line through a heart, but a real-life broken heart can actually lead to cardiac consequences. There are established ties between depression, mental health and heart disease. Read on for more information about how an extremely stressful event can have an impact on your heart.

Broken heart syndrome may be misdiagnosed as a heart attack because the symptoms and test results are similar. In fact, tests show dramatic changes in rhythm and blood substances that are typical of a heart attack. But unlike a heart attack, there’s no evidence of blocked heart arteries in broken heart syndrome. Broken heart syndrome can lead to severe, short-term heart muscle failure.

 Broken heart syndrome is usually treatable. Most people who experience it make a full recovery within weeks, and they’re at low risk for it happening again (although in rare cases in can be fatal). The most common signs and symptoms of broken heart syndrome are angina (chest pain) and shortness of breath. You can experience these things even if you have no history of heart disease so females be careful. 

Have a Happy Valentines day all 

Entry #2 Medical marijuana to treat autistic rage

This video talk about the very controversial issue of marijuana and one family’s benefit from it Alex Echols is 11 years old, and he is severely autistic, and his doctor said Alex's self-destructive behavior is brought on by tuberous sclerosis, a rare, genetic disorder that affects about 50,000 people in the U.S. According to fox news “the disorder causes unregulated growth of non-malignant tissue in organs. In Alex's neurologist said growths in Alex's brain have led to seizures and autism.” The video claims that when Alex was 5, he exhibited intense, self-directed rage. As we can see in the home videos of his rage, to prove that his episodes were infect self-inflicted. The poor Oregon family has turned to medical marijuana to manage their son's severe autistic rage, it was sad to see him in a helmet to protect his head, and see him all swaddled like a newborn.
 It broke my heart when his dad said that they made the heartbreaking decision to move Alex into a state-funded group home.It makes me happy that Alex is now one of 58 minors currently protected under the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act because the family knows what’s best for their child. And after a few months of treatment, the Echols said they saw a dramatic improvement.

Dr. Colin Roberts, Alex's doctor and a pediatric neurologist at Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland, did not condone the treatment, he said he understood the family's desire to help their child.

Head Shot of Colin Roberts

Dr. Sharon Levy, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Boston's Children's Hospital and chairwoman of the AAP's committee on substance abuse, told FOX 12 marijuana is toxic to children's developing brains. She also said enough isn't known about the drug's long-term effects.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Morality in our society

I want to start off with this video that i saw on YouTube that was going around on Facebook a while back which made me think to write this blog

 The concept of morality is straightforward it’s in our core. We have been learning it from when we were a child when our parents tell us No! That’s wrong and instilling it in us when they made us apologize for something that we did wrong.  Moral stands for conduct or duties based on what is right and wrong. Morality is considered to be the basis of character and is wrapped around ethics.
 The changing pattern of family structures; the shortening of the length of many relationships; the creation of many more step families; the emphasis on parents going out to work and the reduced value and worth of the full-time parent have all changed the way we behave.

The bad girls club is entertaining to the mature audience, but I will admit that it has became "trashy" and more about drama, manipulation and fighting. The Immature audience might look up to these girls and want to imitate them because they think its cool to act that way.

The culture of greed and immorality is witnessed on our TV screens and it stretches right up into corporate boardrooms. It is not just its damaged youth, but society itself that needs a moral reformation. The age-old saying “treat others as you want to be treated” Should be practiced religiously.
Even religion has divided, as much as our society. What we experience now is sweeping changes across the entire cultural landscape. Large chunks of moral lives of our culture have disappeared altogether, and looks like it’s in the process of extinction. These have already been, replaced by new modes of conduct, ways of thought, and standards of morality that are unwelcome to many of us. Most of our younger generation is more concerned about their repetition to maintain that the don’t consider how their actions might affect others.
Why have old values failed to inspire a younger generation? We witness divorces, greed, self-serving leaders, violence, drugs and hatred at all levels of society, the next generation is going to question the values that have produced these results in my opinion. 

In this video you will see animals being compassionate towards other animals, unlike the first video where Humans were acting like Animals... no i take that back, worst than Animals 

Why some kind of devastation does has to happen for people to unite? Until society comes to a full realization, of the need for self-fulfilling authority on what is moral and what is immoral (right and wrong); no solution will ever be possible.

Monday, February 4, 2013

My life

My name is Rochelle Santiago. I was born in St Mary Jamaica but i grew up in Kingston Jamaica. My Family which is my Mother, Father and two younger sisters moved to the U.S when i was 19.

We moved here for a better opportunity to be successful in life. My last name Santiago comes from My father, he was born in Puerto Rico. I have never been there but i hope to someday go there. I have half sisters and brothers there. I talk to them periodically but most of them don't know how to speck English. I intend to learn Spanish sometime when i am finish with school.
 I am going to Glendale Community College to complete my pre- recquisits to transfer to a 4 year university somewhere in Florida. I want to move to Florida because i love the atmosphere there and i love the people and culture down there. I love going to the beach and listening to Reggae
and eating Jamaican food.

 I also like that Florida is close to Jamaica. When i am finished with school i hope to become a mid wife (delivering babies).

 I have grown up in  church and leaving my mothers house i kind of strayed from it but now i am getting back into it which makes me happy. I have always loved kids even though i don't have any of my own i hope to get one in the near by future until then i want to teach the children ministry at my church. I like to think of myself as a caring person and a good friend.

My dog's name is Jimmy and i love him so much