Friday, February 15, 2013

Entry #2 Medical marijuana to treat autistic rage

This video talk about the very controversial issue of marijuana and one family’s benefit from it Alex Echols is 11 years old, and he is severely autistic, and his doctor said Alex's self-destructive behavior is brought on by tuberous sclerosis, a rare, genetic disorder that affects about 50,000 people in the U.S. According to fox news “the disorder causes unregulated growth of non-malignant tissue in organs. In Alex's neurologist said growths in Alex's brain have led to seizures and autism.” The video claims that when Alex was 5, he exhibited intense, self-directed rage. As we can see in the home videos of his rage, to prove that his episodes were infect self-inflicted. The poor Oregon family has turned to medical marijuana to manage their son's severe autistic rage, it was sad to see him in a helmet to protect his head, and see him all swaddled like a newborn.
 It broke my heart when his dad said that they made the heartbreaking decision to move Alex into a state-funded group home.It makes me happy that Alex is now one of 58 minors currently protected under the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act because the family knows what’s best for their child. And after a few months of treatment, the Echols said they saw a dramatic improvement.

Dr. Colin Roberts, Alex's doctor and a pediatric neurologist at Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland, did not condone the treatment, he said he understood the family's desire to help their child.

Head Shot of Colin Roberts

Dr. Sharon Levy, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Boston's Children's Hospital and chairwoman of the AAP's committee on substance abuse, told FOX 12 marijuana is toxic to children's developing brains. She also said enough isn't known about the drug's long-term effects.

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