Friday, February 8, 2013

Morality in our society

I want to start off with this video that i saw on YouTube that was going around on Facebook a while back which made me think to write this blog

 The concept of morality is straightforward it’s in our core. We have been learning it from when we were a child when our parents tell us No! That’s wrong and instilling it in us when they made us apologize for something that we did wrong.  Moral stands for conduct or duties based on what is right and wrong. Morality is considered to be the basis of character and is wrapped around ethics.
 The changing pattern of family structures; the shortening of the length of many relationships; the creation of many more step families; the emphasis on parents going out to work and the reduced value and worth of the full-time parent have all changed the way we behave.

The bad girls club is entertaining to the mature audience, but I will admit that it has became "trashy" and more about drama, manipulation and fighting. The Immature audience might look up to these girls and want to imitate them because they think its cool to act that way.

The culture of greed and immorality is witnessed on our TV screens and it stretches right up into corporate boardrooms. It is not just its damaged youth, but society itself that needs a moral reformation. The age-old saying “treat others as you want to be treated” Should be practiced religiously.
Even religion has divided, as much as our society. What we experience now is sweeping changes across the entire cultural landscape. Large chunks of moral lives of our culture have disappeared altogether, and looks like it’s in the process of extinction. These have already been, replaced by new modes of conduct, ways of thought, and standards of morality that are unwelcome to many of us. Most of our younger generation is more concerned about their repetition to maintain that the don’t consider how their actions might affect others.
Why have old values failed to inspire a younger generation? We witness divorces, greed, self-serving leaders, violence, drugs and hatred at all levels of society, the next generation is going to question the values that have produced these results in my opinion. 

In this video you will see animals being compassionate towards other animals, unlike the first video where Humans were acting like Animals... no i take that back, worst than Animals 

Why some kind of devastation does has to happen for people to unite? Until society comes to a full realization, of the need for self-fulfilling authority on what is moral and what is immoral (right and wrong); no solution will ever be possible.


  1. Wow, after using 100 tissues and getting myself to stop crying, I want to say I really like your blog. I see what your trying to get across and I repect that.

  2. Rochelle--Your blog is coming along quite well. Your writing flows pretty well, and your voice is comfortable. You have some good content. Keep developing and connecting to your reader. Make sure to edit carefully (capitalize "i"). Also, you are missing assigned entry #1.
