Thursday, March 28, 2013

Entry #4 Capitalism: A Love Story review

Capitalism: A Love Story

All the points in this documentary that he addressed are situations that I and people close to me have experienced. I came to the same conclusions he did in his documentary without ever having watched it or knowing anything about him. Then I watched this and realized, guess I'm not the only one who thinks like this. For that reason alone, I trust him and I think he's credible.

Families pay the price with their jobs, their homes and their savings

Millions of unemployed, underemployed, fed-up and freaked-out citizens should watch this movie Michael explain it all or at least crack jokes, while giving credible information. He had our emotion going on an up and down roller coaster which kept his audience engaged.

I could tell that his heart is in the right place, he also makes room for other voices, that was good because it makes us see that he has people that are in high position that are with him. The workers and members of one family in foreclosure who videotaped the police breaking down the door to evict them were moving.

 I liked when he showed the official video of President Franklin D. Roosevelt giving his speech for how he wants to see America even though he was sick, it showed that he cared and wanted to be personable with his people.  Even though it didn’t happen he gave us an example of what it would have been like if it had happen because another country did it and things are going well.

I liked that he Portrayed Barrack Obama as a Socialist.

I was so sad to see the families being foreclosed on leaving the only thing the know and to add insult to injury the banks paid the family to clean their home before leaving. It was funny when the husband that was being foreclosed sarcastically thanked the Banks for paying off them to leave their homes clean.


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