Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Assigned Entry # 5 Media

Media is all around us, therefore is hard to not be affected by it. Due to its tremendous audience and the impact it has, the media has been able to change public opinion. The media's powerful influence can be seen through its portrayal of major events. When the media began, it had a political agenda. It was outlets through which the common people would criticize the government but now it is a very persuasive tool used to persuade encourage and brainwash the public.

The goal of media is to persuade the audience to believe or do something. They persuade by using techniques of persuasion, they have been used for thousands of years. I think knowing these techniques are important because when you know how the media is trying to persuade you to believe something you’ll be able to make your own decisions.

An example of this is a person who doesn’t like animals comes across a commercial about adopting a rescued animal they do the whole sad music cute puppy dog eyes footage of one legged cats so that this may change their opinions because they’re persuaded by the innocence and helplessness that those specific commercials try to represented.
They try by linking a product, with something that is already liked like this picture of family and coke they think if you are a family person and you like family you like coke

When they show a product the put beautiful people to catch your attention persuading the audience to think that if they use that product you would look beautiful too
Another way is by saying that it is what’s in and so many people are doing it and you shouldn’t be left out by not doing it also
They try to bribe you by saying if you buy one you you’ll get one free or on discount, you might not want it in the first place but if you think you are winning something you might buy it anyways
They would pay celebrities to say they like something and the public would respond because they are famous and they talk about how it worked for then so that people might think that it could work for them too
They try to make us laugh in advertising because when we laugh we feel good and they pop their logo on the screen so our good feeling will be associated with that logo they hope that when we see that logo in the store we will feel good
They use words like Greatest, Best, Lowest, Fastest, Better, Improved, Amazing and Incredible
They use Repetition Over and over so that it will be stuck in your head and in my case that song Lerner and Row is the way to go call 9661900 is stuck it has a catchy tune and its funny I always sing along when I hear the commercial come on
And that headon commercial its really annoying …
Persuasion is a powerful thing it makes people believe something that they didn’t before weather positive or negative. Whether it’s turning on the T.V. or flipping through a magazine, a person is guaranteed to see companies selling their products with a technique that I like to call, brainwashing. In all seriousness, it’s horrible that companies lure the viewer into believing that they need the product that the product will somehow enhance their life and they can’t possibly live without it. But the way the companies go about doing so is flat out appalling

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